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*[[All labs inventory]]
*[[All labs inventory]]
*[[Booking the labs]]
*[[Booking the labs]]
*[[General lab maintenance]]
*[[Lab maintenance]]
*[[Monitors - calibration]]
*[[Monitors - calibration]]

Revision as of 21:21, 12 February 2021

On this wiki page, you will find all the information you need to successfully run experiments in the different cognitive psychology labs of the VU. Click on the names of people to find out more about who works in the department. To learn how to set up your experiment in the lab, link through to the page about the lab that you want to use.


Lab Coordinator

Research Assistant

Technical support


General info

Lab specific info


  • Don't leave your stuff (paperworks, coffee mugs, etc...) in the lab permanently.
  • Keep the desktops free and neat. Use your folder in USERDATA instead. If you have to create "temp" - folders, make sure they stay indeed only temporarily.
  • Check and reconfigure monitors every morning, before running participants (see Guideline monitor configuration).
  • If you change any settings, change it back to the default before you leave and inform the respective research assistant or lab coordinator about it.

Participant handling

Data management

For more information on data management, please have a look at: https://fgb.vu.nl/en/research/data-management

General documentation

Ethical approval

For more information on ethics, please have a look at: https://www.fgb.vu.nl/nl/over-de-faculteit/facultaire-commissies/vaste-commissie-wetenschap-en-ethiek/index.aspx