Behavioral Lab (K2F-71)

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In this lab, there are 6 cubicles. Five of them are identical, the last one is euqipped with an eye tracker (K2F71-A). All information on this page are valid only for the 'normal' cubicles in this lab. In each of these five, the distance between monitor and edge of the working space is 70 cm in general. Chin rests are available as well.

Exemplary cubicle in lab K2F-71.


Below find information regarding all devices used in the lab. If you need something that is not in the list, ask the Helpdesk whether they have it in store.

In case you need something not mentioned above, please contact the helpdesk and check whether they can provide it.

Also, let the Lab coordinator or the research assistant of the respective lab know if you have to change some settings (e.g. monitor contrast, distance to screen, etc...) for your experiments, so that the changes can be set again to default for other experiments.

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