Run the lab K1F-46

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Getting Started in the lab K1F-46

1. Get the key of the lab at the FPP helpdesk at -1(return it at the end of the day. Do not leave your key to other students. If you are leaving the lab and another student needs the key, tell him to go to pick up his own key at the helpdesk). After 5pm, return your key in the postbox of the helpdesk.

2. Get in, turn on the lights in the room and the cubicles (on the little black ipod thing on the back wall:the brightness has to be on 10%). If it is not such a busy day put out the advertisement.

3. Start the experimenter computer (login: Cogpsyproefleider) and click on the desktop item “WakeAllCubicles”(this will start all computers at once).

4. Check the sona system to see when people signed themselves up for experiments.

5. Before you start testing any participants, you have to calibrate the screens (each screen takes approx. 3 minutes): a. Plug the device into the USB port b. Hang it over the screen, so that it’s in the middle c. Close the program and restart “blue eye pro”. The circle has to be under the calibration device. d. Click on “continue” until “calibration”  start/run (takes approx. 3 mins), afterwards: “test and report”, “start” (takes approx. 30 secs) e. RESULT: the deviations should be lower than 5%: if the deviation is higher, run again!  click on “quit”

6. The chin-rest is at a standardized hight, so please don’t change this. Participants should move their chair up/down in order to find a comfortable position. For eye-tracker users: The eye-tracker is a very delicate (and expensive) instrument, so please do not move it.

7. Before leaving the lab, make sure that computers and lights are switched off. To shut down the computers in the cubicles, double-click on the red “ShutdownAllCubicles” icon on the main computer’s desktop. To turn off the lights in the cubicles, touch the central button on the black Ipod.

8. Because of some recent experience of people stealing stuff from the rooms, it is important to always lock the door when you leave and put on the alarm! Alarm instructions are on the lab’s door. Since it’s impossible to keep an eye on every bag on a busy day let the participants take their bags with them inside the cubicles (emphasize that they should not do anything else except for the experiment).