Uploads by Atr310

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
13:43, 18 December 2014 2014Dec Protocol research assistant.pdf (file) 306 KB   1
13:38, 18 December 2014 Protocol research assistant at the Department of Cognitive Psychology in general.pdf (file) 306 KB   2
13:26, 14 October 2014 InformedConsentEnglishV2.pdf (file) 147 KB   1
13:19, 14 October 2014 Informed consent version2.pdf (file) 147 KB   1
15:11, 10 October 2014 FormulierMedEthiek.pdf (file) 607 KB Original application that got approved. (This is the approval for a generic application that includes standard RT, accuracy, EEG, and eye movement measures, for experiments in which stimuli and tasks are neutral in nature. It does not include punishme... 1
15:06, 10 October 2014 Ethische Goedkeuring Olivers.pdf (file) 10 KB This is the approval for a generic application that includes standard RT, accuracy, EEG, and eye movement measures, for experiments in which stimuli and tasks are neutral in nature. It does not include punishment (e.g. shocks), emotionally disturbing p... 1